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Tuesday, July 26, 2011


If you've ever nodded off during a company meeting or laid your head on your desk to rest your eyes, you're not alone. About 34 percent of adults surveyed in a study by Pew Research Center reported napped during the previous work day. What are laws on naps at work and should they be allowed?
Taking a nap at work can give a boost of energy.
Employers in different companies view taking naps during the work day with varying opinions, from one extreme to the other. On one end of the spectrum, it can be looked at as gross misconduct and grounds for disciplinary action. On the other end, employers allow (and may even encourage) sleeping on breaks and believe it will increase productivity.
While there is no set law about napping at work, company policies often dictate what is acceptable. Many industries and sectors prohibit employees from napping while at work, deeming it as unlawful. America has long been viewed as a hard-working country, with a lot of people driven to get an education and be successful in their careers. Being self-sufficient is good, but in too many cases individuals are left worn out, with too little time for quality sleep. Most working Americans get six hours or less of sleep a night, rather than the recommended seven to nine hours.

Against Napping at Work

Many are against napping at work.Viewed as Unacceptable
Although some companies have warmed up to the idea of naps, many have (and may always) view it as unacceptable. They would rather be seen as working diligently than passed out in the break room or office. Many industries set specific company policies to not allow napping, and even write-up employees found napping on the job. They argue that you're here at work to get your tasks done, not to nap the day away.

Sense of Laziness
There is sense of pride in many hard-working individuals of only pushing themselves further upon becoming tired. They view taking naps as being lazy and not working their hardest. They may look down on others that try to nap. This goes for employers as well; viewing work as a place to stay diligent, and sleeping should only be done at home -- despite the often long work hours making it hard to get enough sleep.

Being Paid to Sleep
Often a 15-minute nap or lunch break doesn't allow for adequate time to sleep. A workplace that schedules in naps has to figure out if it is going to be paid or unpaid. Paid naptime is not going to make sense to most employers, however it might be necessary for someone that works a night shift. This could go back to the idea of sleeping should be done before or after work, not during, unless it can fit into the work day.

Inability to Sleep Anywhere
Some employees may like the idea of taking a cat nap at work, but are unable to sleep other than at home or simply take longer to fall asleep. If taking a quick nap just doesn't work, they may opt out of the idea altogether. Although, taking a moment to lay down or rest your eyes could be refreshing as well.

For Napping at Work

Naps can increase productivity and focus at work.Increases Productivity
Studies have shown that tired workers cost businesses around $150 billion a year in lost productivity. In fact, a study done by NASA concluded that a 25-minute nap boosted performance by 34%. Naps are especially beneficial for workers that get less than eight hours of sleep a night. Naps can give them the boost to keep working hard and get tasks accomplished on time.

Decreases Caffeine Intake
According to the National Sleep Foundation, 32% of tired workers resort to drinking artificial stimulants to stay alert and focused. Full-time workers consume an average of three cups of coffee or soda per day. It may keep you awake until the caffeine high wears off, but a good nap during the day would be a much better way to recharge your mind, not to mention healthier.

Improves Health
Many countries still have a schedules siesta or nap time in the day. Studies have shown that not only is afternoon drowsiness part of the body's natural rhythm, but sleep actually is good for our brains. It improves focus, mood, and creativity to help you get work done. According to a study done by the Harvard School of Public Health, 20-minute nap three times a week actually reduces the risk of heart disease in healthy workers by 37 percent. Naps also boost the immune system leading to fewer sick days off work.

Boosts the Economy
Referring back to the fact that studies have shown that tired workers cost businesses around $150 billion a year in lost productivity, this drain includes a loss of health care costs and employee absences. Corporations that allow short naps at work report lower incidents of accidents and errors. Even if the work day is slightly shorter because of time taken out to nap, the improved productivity and focus pushes the employee ahead in their job.
While the concept of napping at work is not accepted at all businesses, it is increasing in popularity. A survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation found that 34 percent of individuals said their workplace permits napping on work breaks and 16 percent said that they have a place at work to sleep. Companies are more likely to allow napping if their workers are required to work long hours or late at night. Laws on naps at work need to be set by each employer based on the need and benefits he sees fit.


Monday, July 25, 2011


MWANAMKE mkazi wa kijiji cha Ikandamoyo, wilayani hapa, Veronica Saleh ‘Mama Kaela’ (50), amefanya uamuzi adimu wa kuolewa na wanaume wawili ambao anaishi nao kijijini hapo.

Kijiji hicho kipo umbali wa takribani kilometa 30 kutoka mjini hapa katika Jimbo la Katavi linalowakilishwa na Waziri Mkuu Mizengo Pinda.

Pamoja na ndoa hiyo iliyowezeshwa na mume mkubwa kukubali kuishi na mume mdogo, imeelezwa kuwa mwanamke huyo ndiye ‘aliyewaoa’ wanaume hao kwa zaidi ya miaka saba sasa, huku akiwa na amri kuu katika nyumba, kama ilivyo katika ndoa za kawaida.

MWANAMKE mkazi wa kijiji cha Ikandamoyo, wilayani hapa, Veronica Saleh ‘Mama Kaela’ (50), amefanya uamuzi adimu wa kuolewa na wanaume wawili ambao anaishi nao kijijini hapo.

Kijiji hicho kipo umbali wa takribani kilometa 30 kutoka mjini hapa katika Jimbo la Katavi linalowakilishwa na Waziri Mkuu Mizengo Pinda.

Pamoja na ndoa hiyo iliyowezeshwa na mume mkubwa kukubali kuishi na mume mdogo, imeelezwa kuwa mwanamke huyo ndiye ‘aliyewaoa’ wanaume hao kwa zaidi ya miaka saba sasa, huku akiwa na amri kuu katika nyumba, kama ilivyo katika ndoa za kawaida.

Wanaume hao ni Paulo Sabuni ‘Baba Kaela’ (60) ambaye ndiye mume mkubwa na Arcado Mlele (45) ambaye ni mume mdogo.

Taarifa za kuwapo kwa ndoa hiyo ya aina yake, zililifikia gazeti hili na kufanyiwa uchunguzi kwa zaidi ya wiki tatu, na hatimaye katikati ya wiki hii, wahusika walikubali wao wenyewe kuzungumzia suala hilo. Kwa mujibu wa maelezo ya mwanamke huyo ambaye alionekana kuwa msemaji wa familia hiyo, yeye na mumewe mkubwa, walifika kijijini hapo miaka 24 iliyopita, wakitoka kijiji cha Usumbwa mpakani mwa Chunya, Mbeya na Tabora.

Wakiwa kijijini hapo mume wake aliendelea kufanya kazi ya ukulima wakati yeye mama (Veronica), pamoja na kilimo hujihusisha na upishi na uuzaji wa pombe ya kienyeji ya iitwayo kayoga.

Mwanamke huyo ambaye amesema ana watoto wanne, Alfred (20), binti mwenye miaka 16 (ambaye ameolewa) na wengine wawili wa kiume, mmoja akisoma darasa la sita na mdogo ana miaka saba, amesema hana shida na waume wake.

Ingawa wanandoa hao walizungumza kwa hadhari, majirani walikiri kuwa mwanamke huyo anaishi na wanaume hao wawili kwa amani na kwamba mwanamke huyo ndiye mwenye sauti na si waume zake.

“Si siri tena sasa, tumeshawazoea, kwani wanaishi kwa amani ila yule mume mdogo anaishi kwenye nyumba aliyoachiwa na marehemu baba yake, lakini anashinda kwa mume mkubwa, ambapo inajulikana kijijini hapa kuwa ni nyumba kubwa. “Basi pale ni mambo yote, kula na kunywa, mama huyu amewapangia zamu wanaume hao kama afanyavyo mume mwenye wake wengi. Ama kweli ukistaajabu ya Musa utaona ya Firauni,” alisema mkazi mmoja kwa masharti ya jina lake kutoandikwa gazetini. Ilielezwa, kwamba wanaume hao wana akili timamu na hawatumii kilevi cha pombe kama ilivyo kwa mke wao.

Hata hivyo, mume mkubwa anapewa sifa za upole tofauti na mume mdogo anayetajwa kuwa mkorofi kiasi cha mara kadhaa kumchapa makofi mkewe anapomuudhi.

Majirani wanadai kwamba Mama Kaela na mumewe Paulo, walipofika kijijini hapo, walipokewa na kuishi maisha ya kawaida, lakini baadaye mama huyo alianza kuwa na uhusiano wa kimapenzi na Arcado, ambaye naye alilazimika kuachana na mkewe wa ndoa anayefahamika kijijini hapo kwa jina la Mama Pere.

Ilielezwa na mashuhuda hao kwamba mume mkubwa alipobaini uhusiano huo, alikuja juu, lakini mwanamke huyo inadaiwa alimweleza mumewe huyo, atake asitake lazima wataishi wawili, vinginevyo ataachana naye, ndipo mume mkubwa alipokubali kuishi na mume mwenza.

Katika maisha ya kawaida katika familia hiyo, inaelezwa kwamba katika baadhi ya siku ikitokea kuwa mama huyo amechoka kupika, mume mdogo huchukua jukumu la kupika na kumwandalia chakula na maji ya kuoga mume mkubwa.

“Lakini mara nyingi kwa mfano, ikiwa ni zamu ya mama huyo kulala kwa mumewe mkubwa, basi humfulia nguo zake kisha anakwenda kwa mumewe mdogo nako anamfulia nguo.

“Ndivyo wanavyoishi, nasi sasa tumewazoea ila yule mama ni mkali na ana sauti pale kwake kwa wanaume wale ila tunaona kama ana wivu sana kwa huyu mdogo ambaye naye pia ana wivu kwa mkewe huyo, labda anahofia kuwa mama huyo anaweza kuongeza mwanamume mwingine,” anasema mmoja wa majirani hao.

Hakuna mazuri yasiyokuwa na machungu, japo familia hiyo inaelezwa kuwa na amani, mtoto wao mdogo nusura avuruge uhusiano wa wanandoa hao, baada ya kuibuka mzozo wakati wa maandalizi ya ubatizo wake.

Kwa sababu anazojua mama, ingawa inafahamika kuwa wote ni watoto wa mume mkubwa, mke huyo katika hati za ubatizo aliandikisha ubini wa mtoto huyo kuwa ni Mlele (akimaanisha kuwa mtoto wa mume mdogo), lakini mume mkubwa aliweka pingamizi kanisani akidai yeye ndiye baba halali wa mtoto huyo.

Kwa mujibu wa mwanamke huyo, yeye na Arcado ni waumini wa madhehebu ya Katoliki wakati Paulo ni Mpentekoste. Madai ya mzozo wa uhalali wa `ubaba’ wa mtoto huyo, yalithibitishwa na baadhi ya wakazi wa kijiji hicho, akiwamo mwalimu wa dini wa Kigango cha Kanisa Katoliki Uruira, Mashaka Abel. Walisema miaka sita iliyopita, mtoto huyo akiwa na umri wa mwaka mmoja, alifanyiwa taratibu za ubatizo, lakini ilishindikana, kutokana na wanaume hao, kila mmoja kudai ndiye baba mzazi wa mtoto.

“Lilikuwa jambo la kustaajabisha sana, kwani familia hiyo ilifanya maandalizi yote ya sherehe ya ubatizo wa mtoto huyo, lakini siku hiyo kanisani wakati huo ilikuwa ni kigango cha Katumba ambacho sasa ni Uruira, sakata lilianzia pale Padri alipomwuliza mama wa mtoto huyo ubini wa mtoto naye akasema ni Mlele.

“Hapo ndipo mume mkubwa alipopinga na kudai kuwa mtoto yule si wa Arcado bali wake na yeye ndiye baba halali. Padri hakuamini, aliuliza tena na tena na majibu yakawa ni yale yale, ndipo ubatizo ukashindikana,” alisema Katekista Abel.

Kazi ya kutafuta undani wa ndoa hiyo haikuwa rahisi kutokana na mazingira ya woga na usiri uliokusudiwa kubaki, ambapo awali mama alisema kwamba mume wake ni Paulo pekee japo siku ambayo mwandishi wa habari hizi alifika kijijini hapo na baadaye nyumbani kwa wanandoa hao na kumkuta mume mdogo (Arcado akimsaidia mkewe kukoroga pombe. Awali katika utambulisho, walidai kuwa ni mtu na mdogo wake na kusita kuzungumzia maisha yao ya kifamilia.

Mke wao ambaye alionekana wazi kuwa ni msemaji mkuu alifoka na kuja juu, akidai kuwa hayuko tayari kuzungumzia uhusiano wake na wanaume hao wawili, ingawa alikiri kuwa wanaishi pamoja.

"Kwa hiyo umefunga safari yote hii kutoka huko ulikotoka ili uje kwangu mie Veronica … nasema sitaki kabisa mtu kuja hapa na kutaka kunivurugia mpangilio wa maisha yangu, kwanza nani alikueleza hayo, wambea wakubwa hao yanawahusu nini watu hao?” alihoji.

“Mie mume wangu ni huyu Paulo basi … sasa leo umeniachia vurugu ndani ya nyumba nitapigwa na huyo mume wangu Paulo, kwani mmenishikisha ugoni?” alifoka Mama Kaela. Hata hivyo, mume mkubwa alidai kuwa hatamwadhibu mkewe huyo na kwamba wataendelea kuishi pamoja na mdogo wake Arcado kwa amani. Hata hivyo, akina mama wengi kijijini hapo wanalaani kitendo cha mama huyo kuishi na wanaume wawili ambapo waliomba uongozi wa Kanisa uingilie kati, ili mama huyo aweze kufunga ndoa na mume mmoja.

Lakini kwa upande mwingine, baadhi walimpongeza mwanamke huyo wakidai kuwa kitendo hicho ni cha kijasiri kwa mwanamke, kumudu kuishi na wanaume wawili na kuwa na mamlaka juu yao.

Ndugu wa Arcado wao wanalaani kitendo cha ndugu yao kuolewa na mama huyo, wakidai kuwa walishamshauri na kumuahidi kuwa endapo ataachana na mama huyo watamwozesha mwanamke mwingine, lakini yeye Arcado, amedai kuwa yuko tayari kufa, lakini si kuachana na mama huyo, kwani ndiye ubavu wake wa maisha.

“Sasa tumebaki tunamwangalia tu huyu ndugu yetu Arcado, tumemshauri, lakini mkaidi, hatusikilizi. Basi nasi hatuna la kufanya zaidi ya kumwangalia,“ alisema mmoja wa ndugu wa karibu wa Arcado. Kwa upande wake, Mwenyekiti wa Kijiji hicho, Florence Katobasho, alikiri kuwa mwanamke huyo anaishi kinyumba na wanaume wawili na wanaishi kwa amani kwani hajawahi kufikishiwa malalamiko yoyote kuhusu wanandoa hao.

“Ni ukweli usiopingika, kwamba Mama Kaela anaishi na wanaume hao wawili … lakini kwa kuwa sijafikishiwa malalamiko yoyote kuhusu maisha ya wanandoa hao, mimi kama kiongozi hapa sina la kufanya na siwezi kuwafukuza, kwa kweli wanaishi kwa amani, mengine ni yao,” alisema Mwenyekiti wa Kijiji.

Source: Habarileo

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Seattle 0-7 Man Utd
Rooney akiwa anatoka nje ya uwanja.
Wayne Rooney bagged a 21-minute hat-trick as Manchester United continued a goal-filled tour of the United States by hammering Seattle Sounders at CenturyLink Field.
 Ngassa akigombea mpira na Ferdinand
Introduced as a second-half substitute, Rooney quickly cut loose, drilling home his first just after the re-start and completing his treble 18 minutes from time.
It was part of a seven-goal romp which takes the Red Devils' total in two games so far to 10, with Michael Owen, Mame Biram Diouf and Park Ji-sung netting the rest.

Hapa Ngassa akiwa anamwangia kwa makini Rooney

Seattle trial player Mrisho Alfani Ngassa's sliding attempt in the 89th minute went flying over the bar missing a wide open net.
 Ngassa akijilaumu baada ya kukosa gori.

"Scoring Summary:
MNU -- Michael Owen (Patrice Evra, Ashley Young) 15
MNU -- Mame Biram Diouf (unassisted) 49
MNU -- Wayne Rooney (Nani) 51
MNU -- Wayne Rooney (unassisted) 69
MNU -- Ji-Sung Park (Wayne Rooney) 71
MNU -- Wayne Rooney (Gabriel Obertan) 72
MNU -- Gabriel Obertan (unassisted) 88
O’Brian White and Tanzanian trialist Mrisso Ngassa saw time for the Sounders, who resume competitive play on July 26 Tuesday with a CONCACAF Champions League preliminary game in Panama against San Francisco FC.

Manchester United -- Anders Lindegarrd (Ben Amos 46), Rafael Da Silva, Nemanja Vidic (Jonny Evans 56), Rio Ferdinand, Patrice Evra (Fabio Da Silva 56), Nani (Gabriel Obertan 56), Anderson, Ryan Giggs (Ji-Sung Park 46), Ashley Young (Michael Carrick 66), Michael Owen (Mame Biram Diouf 46), Federico Macheda (Wayne Rooney 46).
Substitutes Not Used: Phil Jones, David De Gea, Danny Welbeck, Tom Cleverley.
Seattle Sounders -- Kasey Keller (Terry Boss 46), James Riley (David Estrada 73), Jeff Parke (Michael Tetteh 64), Patrick Ianni (Taylor Graham 64), Leo Gonzalez (Zach Scott 46), Mauro Rosales (Servando Carrasco 46), Osvaldo Alonso (Brad Evans 46) (Mike Seamon 64), Erik Friberg (Pat Noonan 46) (Mrisho Alfani Ngassa 76), Alvaro Fernandez (Lamar Neagle 46) (O'Brian White 76), Roger Levesque (Nate Jaqua 46) (Miguel Montano 76), Fredy Montero (Mike Fucito 46).
Substitutes Not Used: Jhon Kennedy Hurtado, Josh Ford.
Referee: Baldomero Toledo
Referee's Assistants: Fabio Tovar; Ian Anderson
4th Official: Juan Guzman
Attendance: 67,052
Time of Game: 1:48
Arsenal will make a £10m offer for Birmingham defender Scott Dann after becoming increasingly frustrated over Bolton's demands for Gary Cahill.
Caught Offside

Liverpool are tracking Hamburg's Marcell Jansen as Kenny Dalglish looks to bring in a new first-choice left-back. Dalglish allowed Paul Konchesky to join Leicester last week.
Caught Offside
Chelsea and Everton are locked in a battle to sign Marseille midfielder Lucho Gonzalez, who is set to leave the French club this summer.
West Ham boss Sam Allardyce will raid his former club Bolton to sign winger Matthew Taylor. Taylor has flown home from Bolton's pre-season tour of the United States to talk to the Hammers.
The Guardian
Tottenham boss Harry Redknapp will swoop for Roma striker Mirko Vucinic if he cannot thrash out a deal with Manchester City to sign Emmanuel Adebayor.
The Metro
Liverpool are close to sealing a deal for Mexican rising star Marco Bueno - the man dubbed 'the new Javier Hernandez.' The 17-year-old will spend a 10-day trial at Melwood where Kenny Dalglish will have the final say.
The Metro
Newcastle plan to restrict the sale of tickets for away matches to season ticket holders and members only in the future following a pitch invasion during last week's friendly clash with Darlington.
Daily Mail
Aston Villa striker Darren Bent has no hard feelings after England team-mates Ashley Young and Stewart Downing both left the club this summer. He said: "I wish them all the best and I hope they go on to achieve great things."
The Express

Agent in Barcelona to tie up Sanchez move

The agent of Udinese star striker Alexis Sanchez has flown to Spain to finalise the Chile international's move to the Champions League holders, that has a reported transfer fee of over €27m

Paraguay triumph on penalties to make final

Paraguay will meet Uruguay in the final of the 2010 Copa America as Gerardo Martino's men secured a 5-3 victory on penalties following a 0-0 stalemate after 120 minutes

Vidal set to complete Juventus move - report

According one of Italy's main news outlets, Bayer Leverkusen midfielder Arturo Vidal is on the verge of joining Juventus in a €12m deal that will see Mohamed Sissoko moving the other way

Monday, July 11, 2011


Yanga jana ilichukua kombe la CECAFA au Kame au Castle cup kwa mara ya nne baada ya kuwafunga watani wao wa jadi kwa goli 1-0 lilifungwa na Asamoah katika dakika ya 110. Mchezo ulikuwa mzuri ingawa kulikuwa na kukamiana kwingi kiasi kwamba wachezaji wawili mmoja toka kila upande waliumia na kutolewa. Mwamuzi wa mchezo alionyesha kiwango cha chini sana hasa baada ya kufanya upendeleo na maamuzi yasiyoendana na ukweli mara nyingi sana.

Yote kwa yote, tunawapongeza sana YANGA kwa kuchukua ubwingwa wa challenge kwa ngazi za club.


Most taken penalty
The fact happens during Serbia-Tunisia football match held in 2004 in Athens, during the last Olympic Games. Serbia and Tunisia were 1-1 draw, but at 35th minute of the second half the Tahitian referee Charles Ariiotima awards a penalty to Tunisia: forward Mohamed Jedidi places the ball and score, but the goal was annulled because, according to the referee, his teammates had entered in the area before the shot. The penalty is repeated two more times and set aside for the same reason.

On the fourth attempt, the Serbian goalkeeper Nikola Milojevic blocked the ball, but the penalty is invalid because his teammates have come earlier than expected in the penalty area. The fifth penalty was saved and then canceled because of irregularities, and only at the sixth attempt the referee awards the goal. The game ended 3-2 for Tunisia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjpU_cVVfJM
Most funny penalty (video)
Tottenham have moved ahead of Arsenal in the pursuit of Blackburn defender Chris Samba.
Full story: the Mirror
Inter Milan are willing to sell Dutch midfielder Wesley Sneijder to Manchester United, but will demand that winger Nani moves to the San Siro as part of the deal.
Full story: caughtoffside.com
Charlie Adam's arrival at Liverpool could see fellow midfielder Joe Cole leave for Hamburg.
Full story: Metro
Liverpool are planning an audacious move for Everton left-back Leighton Baines.
Full story: caughtoffside.com
But the Reds have lost ground to Arsenal in pursuit of Aston Villa winger Stewart Downing.
Full story: Metro
Villa are lining up Manchester City's Craig Bellamy should Downing decide to leave the club.
Full story: footybunker.com
Midfielder Scott Parker's exit from West Ham will be finalised this week with Aston Villa and Tottenham vying for his signature.
Full story: Daily Mail
Hull City say that QPR are interested in midfielder Jimmy Bullard.
Full story: Talksport
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger is considering making an official approach for Werder Bremen defender Per Mertesacker.
Full story: footie-online.co.uk
Wolves are weighing up a move for West Ham defender James Tomkins after missing out on Reading's Matt Mills.
Full story: Talksport
West Brom are set to offer former Manchester United midfielder Owen Hargreaves the chance to stay in the Premier League.
Full story: the Mirror
Striker David Nugent says Leicester City's ambition of winning promotion to the Premier League convinced him to sign for the Foxes.
Full story: Talksport
Midfielder Darron Gibson's move from Manchester United to Sunderland has broken down over the Republic of Ireland international's wage demands.
Full story: Daily Mail
Former Liverpool and England striker Robbie Fowler has signed for Thai outfit Muang Thong United.
Full story: the Mirror

Eto'o dismisses reports of Inter exit

After being linked with a move to the English Premier League, the Cameroon ace has revealed he has plans to stay at San Siro and that he has already clarified his future with club president Moratti

Falcao brace ensures Colombia stay top

Colombia have secured the top spot in Group A after an impressive 2-0 win over Bolivia, courtesy of striker Radamel Falcao, who scored his first goals at the 2011 Copa America

Iniesta eager to see Fabregas at Barcelona

Camp Nou midfielder Andres Iniesta has reiterated his desire to see Arsenal captain Cesc Fabregas at Barcelona, stating that his fellow Spaniard would add even more quality to the Liga titans

Mexico beat Uruguay to win U-17 World Cup

El Tri clinched their second U-17 title following on from their 2005 success in Peru, with victory over the South Americans at the Estadio Azteca on Sunday

Sneijder set to discuss future with Inter

Amid talk of a switch to Manchester United, reports in Italy claim Wesley Sneijder will meet with Inter in the coming days to discuss his future, while his agent claims no EPL offers have arrived yet
Wanted by Manchester City, United & Chelsea – is Arsenal’s Samir Nasri really worth that much?
With the Frenchman seemingly set to leave this summer, we looked at the stats to determine exactly what Arsene Wenger's side would lose, and their rivals would gain. Forget Barcelona’s seemingly eternal flirtation with Arsenal skipper Cesc Fabregas, this year’s transfer saga of the summer surrounds Samir Nasri, with Chelsea, Manchester City and Manchester United all believed to be in the running for the Frenchman.

The former Marseille man was one of the stars of last season’s Premier League and with only 12 months left on his Gunners contract looks almost certain to leave the Emirates for pastures new.
"If he looks back he can see that he's come quite a long way with us, and I think there is still a bit to do. It's the club that makes the player's career." - Arsene Wenger
So is Arsene right? Is there still room for improvement? From the statistics, it appears so - when compared to the armoury of his suitors, and even some of his current team-mates at Arsenal.

Castrol Football reveals that no player in the Premier League completed more successful passes in the final third than the Frenchman last season, with a grand total of 601.
MIDFIELD MAESTROS | How Nasri compares to the best at the top four


GOALS10Walcott 9Lampard
Y Toure
Nani 9

SHOT ACCURACY41.9%Arshavin 45.6%Lampard 56.3%Silva

TOTAL PASSES1468Wilshere
Y Toure
KEY PASSES57Fabregas 61Lampard

In terms of goals scored, Nasri contributed 10 league strikes - matched only by Lampard, a player renowned for getting goals from midfield. But whilst a double figure return is a decent amount for a midfielder – especially one who seldom takes set pieces – placing him alongside the England international, who only featured in 24 of Chelsea's matches last season compared to Nasri's 30 appearances, is slightly misleading.

Of Nasri's 52 attempts at goal last season, only 41.9% tested the goalkeeper, whereas the Chelsea midfielder found the target with 56.3% of his 55 efforts. Nonetheless, this was a vastly more economical return than Nani's, with the Manchester United man's accuracy falling to 38.2%, scoring one less goal than Nasri - despite unleashing a staggering 102 efforts at goal.

In Nasri, Wenger holds a readymade replacement for Fabregas – should he leave the Emirates this summer.

Whilst few fans would omit one of the pair if constructing ‘Arsenal’s best XI’, both excel in the same position, and it was during the Spaniard’s spell on the sidelines that Nasri produced his best form of the season.

Deputising for his skipper in the middle of the park, Arsenal’s No.8 bagged six of his 10 Premier League goals. His performances were of the highest calibre, with our reporters lavishing him as
‘Arsenal's saviour’ in Fabregas’ absence.

So often Arsenal have been condemned to defeat without their skipper, but Nasri, at times, has shown that he is equally important to the pulse of the team.

These are the qualities which will have once given Wenger comfort as he prepares for the post-Cesc era, but now are the bait luring in the big-fish rivals. And with only 12 months remaining on his contract, the prospect of signing the Frenchman on the cheap is one which few clubs would turn down.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Ramani ya Sudani Kusini

picha ya ushindi

Rais wa Sudan Kusini Salva Kir

Bendera ya Sudan Kusini

Jeshi la Sudan Kusini

Friday, July 8, 2011


Rene Higuita alikuwa golikipa wa Colombia aliyekuwa na nywele nyingi na mbwembwe nyingi kama nywele zake. Alikuwa mahili golini na pia alikuwa mahili kwa kufunga magoli. Kwa vijana wa zamani tujikumbushe kwa hii crip na kwa wapya tuone haya maajabu yake. Ulikuwa wapi wakati huo? Alichezea club mechi (takribani) 380 na kufunga magoli 25 na timu ya taifa mechi 68 na kufunga magoli 8!
Personal information
Full nameJosé René Higuita Zapata
Date of birth27 August 1966 (1966-08-27) (age 44)
Place of birthMedellín (Barrio Castilla), Colombia
Height1.75 m (5 ft 9 in)
Playing positionGoalkeeper
Arsenal want £15m rated Valencia winger Juan Mata - but to play alongside Samir Nasri rather than to replace him.
Full story: Daily Mirror
Barcelona are set to tempt Arsenal into accepting a cut-price transfer offer for Cesc Fabregas by throwing either Maxwell or Eric Abidal into the deal.
Full story: Metro
Manchester United in £10-12m cash plus two players offer for Tottenham star Luka Modric.
Full story: caughtoffside
West Ham boss Sam Allardyce is preparing an ambitious bid to sign Liverpool pair Joe Cole and Paul Konchesky.
Full story: caughtoffside
QPR boss Neil Warnock is to launch a £6m raid for West Ham striker Carlton Cole.
Full story: Daily Mirror
Liverpool to offer Lyon £12m for Brazilian winger Michel Bastos as Dalglish refuses to increase offer for Downing.
Full story: Talksport
Bolton have stepped up their efforts to land Rodrigo from Benfica after he impressed on loan last season.
Full story: Talksport

Aston Villa are ready to spend £5m to secure the transfer of defender Alan Hutton from Spurs.
Full story:Metro
Villa have also moved ahead of Tottenham in the pursuit of West Ham's Scott Parker, because Spurs must sell before they buy.
Full story: Daily Mirror
John Barnes believes Liverpool's summer spending spree could take them into the top four next season.
Full story: Talksport
Liverpool are ready to risk fan anger by quitting Anfield and building a new stadium rather than renovating the iconic ground - and selling naming rights to their new home.
Full story: Daily Mirror
Injury-jinxed Owen Hargreaves' YouTube workout videos look set to land him a chance to save his career after his release by Manchester United - with his old England boss Sven Goran Eriksson at Leicester. Full story: Daily Mirror

Two die-hard Manchester City fans have spent £50,000 customising an old Chevrolet convertible car so that they can travel to matches in style.
Full story: Metro

Zidane appointed new Madrid sporting director

France legend Zinedine Zidane has revealed that he is the new director of football at Real Madrid, replacing Jorge Valdano who was fired near the end of May

Falcao committed to Porto

The Colombian has been linked to a reunion with his former coach Villas-Boas at Chelsea, but insists he is working toward a new contract with Porto that includes an increased release clause

Arsenal reject £20m United bid for Nasri

The Emirates club are said to have turned down Manchester United's initial offer for coveted attacker Samir Nasri, no doubt in an attempt to start a bidding war between other interested parties