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Thursday, September 27, 2012


  1. The success rate for making right a wrong in our lives - will soar, if you first will take responsibility for your own actions.
  2. Stop looking to place blame on anyone else's actions - to justify a choice that you have made to act out!
  3. Own your own decision to be dishonest and unfaithful in your relationship.
  4. Recognize that you must tell your partner that you understand these principles in regards to the damage that you have inflicted upon your relationship.
  5. Commit to yourself and to your partner - the deep desire that you have, to re-establish trust.
  6. Understand, that you will not be trusted by your partner for sometime and rightfully so.
  7. It is your responsibility to help re-establish trust in your relationship and this requires time and good communication. Do not resent her.
  8. Be true from this day on and you will most likely accomplish bringing the love and trust back into your relationship that you both desire.
  9. Tell your partner how much you love and appreciate them and their willingness to allow you back into their heart.
  10. Forgive yourself for being dishonest with yourself and others, who once trusted you - knowing that they can trust again - if you never do it again!


Statistics are now telling us that the numbers are pretty close to being equal. Shocking, isn't it. We always assume that it is men that do the sneaking around, right?
Regardless. The one who cheats, must also be the one to fix things in the relationship. Ultimately, they are the one with the problem and they have personal work to do - if they desire things to get better in their relationship.

I don't know why men tend to blame the women in their lives, more so than the other way around. Perhaps, it is because women seem to feel more pressure in our society to live up to some kind of sex-kitten persona to maintain their relationships. This, is simply a lie!
I believe that this is the reason why, women may be much more susceptible to falling for these lies, which men seem to be really good at using.

I recently read an article, where the author was bragging about overcoming an early affair in his marriage. He went on to list all the things that his wife of over two decades now - had done to help him stay faithful. He gave his wife attribution, for basically keeping him honest all these long years, since "his" initial unfaithfulness. This, because of the many "things" that she was willing to do for him - to keep him from cheating!
Give me a break! All I could think of, was the fact that this poor woman probably needs counseling -- and desperately. What will happen "if" or more likely "when" this guy gets bored? How will this women then feel - after she has done "everything" possible to keep her man?

Ladies - these are the types of lies that you must never - ever, buy! If that man really believes that he is not cheating because his wife is willing to be "freaky" with him now - he is continuing to live a life of dishonesty with himself and his very loyal wife. Pathetic!


In recent days, young lovers are staying longer before they get engaged. Further, after engagement they make sure that the a woman is pregnant before the register a marriage. How to see "system?" Religious wise, it is not acceptable but in modern life it is almost accepted by the society. How do you see this in terms of morals? 