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Wednesday, July 24, 2013


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge emerged from a London hospital on Tuesday with their newborn baby boy, presenting the world with a first glimpse of the prince who is third in line to the British throne.
A smiling Kate, wearing a baby blue Jenny Packham polka dot dress, carried the future monarch outside St. Mary's Hospital in central London so that he could be photographed by the dozens of international press members waiting outside.
William and Kate, both 31, stood with their first child in front of the hospital's Lindo Wing, just as William's parents, Prince Charles and Princess Diana, did with him in 1982 and brother Prince Harry in 1984.
Kate, who said she felt "very emotional," passed the baby to her husband, who appeared relaxed and joked with reporters.

kate middleton baby face prince wiliam

The future king met the current Queen this morning as the "thrilled" great grandmother dropped in at Kensington Palace.
Prince William and wife Kate Middleton took their baby son home from hospital yesterday after introducing him to the world.
But Prince William's first phone call after his as-yet-unnamed son's safe arrival at 4.24pm on Monday was to his gran.
And this morning the royal great-grandmother made the short journey from Buckingham Palace to meet the newest member of the royal family, arriving in the back seat of a dark green Bentley around 10.45am.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Mswaada unaolenga kuoanisha sheria za ndoa nchini Kenya umewasilishwa bungeni.Baadhi ya mabadiliko yaliopendekezwa katika mswada huo ni pamoja na kuhalalisha ndoa za wake wengi mbali na kuziimarisha sheria zote saba za ndoa.
Mapendekezo mengine ambayo huenda yakazua hisia kali ni yale ya kugawa mali iliochumwa katika ndoa pamoja na adhabu ya wanaume ambao huvunja ahadi zao za kuwaoa akina dada.

Hatahivyo akina dada wana kibarua cha kuthibitisha mahakamani iwapo ahadi hiyo ilitolewa na kuvunjwa.
Licha ya kuwa ndoa za WAKE wengi hutekelezwa na jamii nyingi nchini kenya, bado hazijahalalishwa.lakini katika mswada huu mpya ,ndoa hizo zimependekezwa.Hatahivyo mwanamume ambaye angependa kuingia katika ndoa hizi ni sharti aweke wazi majina yote ya wake zake mbele ya msajili wa ndoa pamoja na rukhsa aliyopata kutoka kwa wake hao.
Vilevile wake hao pia watalazimika kutia sahihi makubaliano kwamba wako tayari kumruhusu mume wao kuongeza mke mwengine.Makubaliano hayo yatalazimika kumfikia msajili wa ndoa siku 21 kabla ya harusi hiyo.hatua hiyo inalenga kupunguza migogoro ya ndoa inayotokana na kifo cha mwanamume aliyeoa.
Hatahivyo mswada huo unashinikiza kwamba ni sharti mtu aingie katika ndoa hiyo kupitia dini ya kiislamu au sheria za ki-mila.Wale ambao wanataka kuoa au ambao wameoa kupitia sheria za ki-kristo,ki-hindu ama sheria za kawaida hawatakubaliwa kuongeza wake zaidi ya mmoja.
Mabadiliko mengine ni yale ya walio katika ndoa kugawanya mali waliochuma kwa usawa bila kujali ni nani aliyechangia pakubwa kupata mali hiyo.
licha ya mswada wa hapo awali kupendekeza kufutiliwa mbali kwa mahari ,mswada huu mpya uko wazi kuhusu hilo na kwamba mtu anaweza kulipa Mahari au la akizingatia desturi za jamii yake.Mswada huo pia unawalinda wahusika dhidi ya kulazimishwa kuoa.
Hii ina maana kwamba wapenzi walioachana wana uwezo wa kwenda mahakamani kutokana na ahadi za uwongo zilizotolewa na wapenzi wao.

Aidha wanaume au wanawake walio-ahidiwa kuolewa na ahadi hiyo kuvunjwa watahitaji kulipwa fidia.hatahivyo mwanamke atalazimika kudhihirisha mahakamani iwapo hatua hiyo ilimuathiri. Harakati za kuwasilisha mswada kama huo hapo awali zimegonga mwamba bungeni, huku wabunge wengi wa kiume wakisema kuwa unawapa wanawake uwezo mkubwa katika ndoa.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Wapendwa wasomaji wangu. Samahani sana kuwa sikuweza kuchapisha makala kwenye mtandao huu kama ilivyo kawaida. Hali ya mambo haikuwa shwari sana. Hata hivyo tunaahidi kuwaletea tena makala moto moto. TUNAKUJA.


Finding love
is like finding one answer
to all of your prayers.

You know you've found love
when you look in their eyes
and find yourself.


If you have love, you don't need to have anything else. If you don't have it, it doesn't matter much what else you have. With love "YATOSHA"

Friday, April 12, 2013


Jamani angalieni hizi kucha zilivyorembeshwa zikarembeka!

Huu ndiyo urembo. Siyo mwanamke kucha zinakuwa kama za mwanaume! Utapendwaje na kucha za kiume!

Thursday, September 27, 2012


  1. The success rate for making right a wrong in our lives - will soar, if you first will take responsibility for your own actions.
  2. Stop looking to place blame on anyone else's actions - to justify a choice that you have made to act out!
  3. Own your own decision to be dishonest and unfaithful in your relationship.
  4. Recognize that you must tell your partner that you understand these principles in regards to the damage that you have inflicted upon your relationship.
  5. Commit to yourself and to your partner - the deep desire that you have, to re-establish trust.
  6. Understand, that you will not be trusted by your partner for sometime and rightfully so.
  7. It is your responsibility to help re-establish trust in your relationship and this requires time and good communication. Do not resent her.
  8. Be true from this day on and you will most likely accomplish bringing the love and trust back into your relationship that you both desire.
  9. Tell your partner how much you love and appreciate them and their willingness to allow you back into their heart.
  10. Forgive yourself for being dishonest with yourself and others, who once trusted you - knowing that they can trust again - if you never do it again!


Statistics are now telling us that the numbers are pretty close to being equal. Shocking, isn't it. We always assume that it is men that do the sneaking around, right?
Regardless. The one who cheats, must also be the one to fix things in the relationship. Ultimately, they are the one with the problem and they have personal work to do - if they desire things to get better in their relationship.

I don't know why men tend to blame the women in their lives, more so than the other way around. Perhaps, it is because women seem to feel more pressure in our society to live up to some kind of sex-kitten persona to maintain their relationships. This, is simply a lie!
I believe that this is the reason why, women may be much more susceptible to falling for these lies, which men seem to be really good at using.

I recently read an article, where the author was bragging about overcoming an early affair in his marriage. He went on to list all the things that his wife of over two decades now - had done to help him stay faithful. He gave his wife attribution, for basically keeping him honest all these long years, since "his" initial unfaithfulness. This, because of the many "things" that she was willing to do for him - to keep him from cheating!
Give me a break! All I could think of, was the fact that this poor woman probably needs counseling -- and desperately. What will happen "if" or more likely "when" this guy gets bored? How will this women then feel - after she has done "everything" possible to keep her man?

Ladies - these are the types of lies that you must never - ever, buy! If that man really believes that he is not cheating because his wife is willing to be "freaky" with him now - he is continuing to live a life of dishonesty with himself and his very loyal wife. Pathetic!


In recent days, young lovers are staying longer before they get engaged. Further, after engagement they make sure that the a woman is pregnant before the register a marriage. How to see "system?" Religious wise, it is not acceptable but in modern life it is almost accepted by the society. How do you see this in terms of morals? 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Whether you are the jealous partner or whether your spouse is the jealous one, irrational jealousy can eventually destroy your marriage. Here are answers to frequent questions about jealousy and things you can do to overcome jealousy in your marriage.

What is Jealousy?

A. "Jealousy is a reaction to a perceived threat -- real or imagined -- to a valued relationship or to its quality. A nationwide survey of marriage counselors indicates that jealousy is a problem in one third of all couples coming for marital therapy."
Source: A.M. Pines, C.F. Bowes, "Romantic Jealousy: How to recognize where jealousy comes from and how to cope with it",
Psychology Today, March 1992.
"A little jealousy is reassuring and may even be programmed into us. It’s very common. A lot of jealousy is scary, and has driven people to some very dangerous behavior. There’s no reason to believe that jealousy will improve with time or marriage ... Because jealousy goes right to the core of the self and its roots are deep, it is not something that can be banished by wishful thinking."
Source: Hara Estroff Marano, "Advice: A Jealous Fiance",
Psychology Today, Feb. 2, 2004

Is Jealousy Natural?

A. "In relationships where feelings of jealousy are mild and occasional, it reminds the couple not to take each other for granted. It can encourage couples to appreciate each other and make a conscious effort to make sure the other person feels valued ... Jealousy heightens emotions, making love feel stronger and sex more passionate. In small, manageable doses, jealousy can be a positive force in a relationship. But when it's intense or irrational, the story is very different ... Occasional jealousy is natural and can keep a relationship alive, but when it becomes intense or irrational it can seriously damage a relationship."

What Do Jealous People Feel?

A. Jealous individuals experience a multitude of feelings including fear, anger, humiliation, sense of failure, feeling suspicious, threatened, rage, grief, worry, envy, sadness, doubt, pain, and self-pity.

"Jealousy keeps us under a sense of discouraging frustration and disappointment. It makes us gloomy. It is such a depressing feeling that we cannot tell about it to even our best friends nor can we contain it within ourselves. Consequently, it leaves us with an inconvenience of a peculiar misery and if allowed to grow unchecked beyond a limit, it works like a slow poison to our healthy nature."