- The success rate for making right a wrong in our lives - will soar, if you first will take responsibility for your own actions.
- Stop looking to place blame on anyone else's actions - to justify a choice that you have made to act out!
- Own your own decision to be dishonest and unfaithful in your relationship.
- Recognize that you must tell your partner that you understand these principles in regards to the damage that you have inflicted upon your relationship.
- Commit to yourself and to your partner - the deep desire that you have, to re-establish trust.
- Understand, that you will not be trusted by your partner for sometime and rightfully so.
- It is your responsibility to help re-establish trust in your relationship and this requires time and good communication. Do not resent her.
- Be true from this day on and you will most likely accomplish bringing the love and trust back into your relationship that you both desire.
- Tell your partner how much you love and appreciate them and their willingness to allow you back into their heart.
- Forgive yourself for being dishonest with yourself and others, who once trusted you - knowing that they can trust again - if you never do it again!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Statistics are now telling us that the numbers are pretty close to being
equal. Shocking, isn't it. We always assume that it is men that do the sneaking
around, right?
Regardless. The one who cheats, must also be the one to fix things in the
relationship. Ultimately, they are the one with the problem and they have
personal work to do - if they desire things to get better in their
I don't know why men tend to blame the women in their lives, more so than the
other way around. Perhaps, it is because women seem to feel more pressure in our
society to live up to some kind of sex-kitten persona to maintain their
relationships. This, is simply a lie!
I believe that this is the reason why, women may be much more susceptible to
falling for these lies, which men seem to be really good at using.
I recently read an article, where the author was bragging about overcoming an
early affair in his marriage. He went on to list all the things that his wife of
over two decades now - had done to help him stay faithful. He gave his wife
attribution, for basically keeping him honest all these long years, since "his"
initial unfaithfulness. This, because of the many "things" that she was willing
to do for him - to keep him from cheating!
Give me a break! All I could think of, was the fact that this poor woman
probably needs counseling -- and desperately. What will happen "if" or more
likely "when" this guy gets bored? How will this women then feel - after she has
done "everything" possible to keep her man?
Ladies - these are the types of lies that you must never - ever, buy! If that
man really believes that he is not cheating because his wife is willing to be
"freaky" with him now - he is continuing to live a life of dishonesty with
himself and his very loyal wife. Pathetic!
In recent days, young lovers are staying longer before they get engaged. Further, after engagement they make sure that the a woman is pregnant before the register a marriage. How to see "system?" Religious wise, it is not acceptable but in modern life it is almost accepted by the society. How do you see this in terms of morals?
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Whether you are the jealous partner or whether your spouse is the jealous one, irrational jealousy can eventually destroy your marriage. Here are answers to frequent questions about jealousy and things you can do to overcome jealousy in your marriage.
What is Jealousy?
A. "Jealousy is a reaction to a perceived threat -- real or imagined -- to a valued relationship or to its quality. A nationwide survey of marriage counselors indicates that jealousy is a problem in one third of all couples coming for marital therapy."
Source: A.M. Pines, C.F. Bowes, "Romantic Jealousy: How to recognize where jealousy comes from and how to cope with it", Psychology Today, March 1992.
Source: A.M. Pines, C.F. Bowes, "Romantic Jealousy: How to recognize where jealousy comes from and how to cope with it", Psychology Today, March 1992.
"A little jealousy is reassuring and may even be programmed into us. It’s very common. A lot of jealousy is scary, and has driven people to some very dangerous behavior. There’s no reason to believe that jealousy will improve with time or marriage ... Because jealousy goes right to the core of the self and its roots are deep, it is not something that can be banished by wishful thinking."
Source: Hara Estroff Marano, "Advice: A Jealous Fiance", Psychology Today, Feb. 2, 2004
Source: Hara Estroff Marano, "Advice: A Jealous Fiance", Psychology Today, Feb. 2, 2004
Is Jealousy Natural?
A. "In relationships where feelings of jealousy are mild and occasional, it reminds the couple not to take each other for granted. It can encourage couples to appreciate each other and make a conscious effort to make sure the other person feels valued ... Jealousy heightens emotions, making love feel stronger and sex more passionate. In small, manageable doses, jealousy can be a positive force in a relationship. But when it's intense or irrational, the story is very different ... Occasional jealousy is natural and can keep a relationship alive, but when it becomes intense or irrational it can seriously damage a relationship."
What Do Jealous People Feel?
A. Jealous individuals experience a multitude of feelings including fear, anger, humiliation, sense of failure, feeling suspicious, threatened, rage, grief, worry, envy, sadness, doubt, pain, and self-pity.
"Jealousy keeps us under a sense of discouraging frustration and disappointment. It makes us gloomy. It is such a depressing feeling that we cannot tell about it to even our best friends nor can we contain it within ourselves. Consequently, it leaves us with an inconvenience of a peculiar misery and if allowed to grow unchecked beyond a limit, it works like a slow poison to our healthy nature."
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Kanumba enzi za uhai wake.
Naanza na kutoa Pole kwa watanzania wote, hasa ndugu jamaa na marafiki wa karibu wa Kanumba The Great (R.I.P) kabla sijatoa mchango wangu kuhusu hili jambo zito na nyeti ambalo limetawala maongezi katika kipindi hiki cha Sikukuu ya Pasaka. Mengi yamesemwa na pia kuna mengi pia hayajasemwa, moja wapo likiwa "ujinai" wa Lulu katika kifo cha Kanumba.
Kanumba enzi za uhai wake.
Katika mukatadha wa sheria, tunaona kwamba Tanzania ni moja ya nchi zenye kuuweka uwajibikaji kijinai kuwa chini ya UMRI wa miaka 18 kwa kuweka miaka 10 kama umri ambapo mtu anaweza kushtakiwa kwa kosa la jinai. (Linganisha na Kenya miaka 8, Zimbabwe -7,Zambia 8,Africa Kusini 10) n.k. Ina maana kwamba mtu (mtoto) aliye chini ya umri huu hawezi kushtakiwa labda ithibitishwe kuwa alikua anajua kabisa anachokifanya. Lulu hafit kwenye kundi hili hata kama ana umri wa miaka 17 kama ambavyo Mh Halima Mdee ame tweet leo baada ya kumtembelea LuLU Oysterbay Polisi.
Tukiacha sheria na matakwa yake, kwa kuzingatia yale yanayosemwa kuhusu mkasa huu wa kifo cha Kanumba (R.I.P), inatupasa tuone kuwa kila hadithi ina pande mbili. Hadithi ya Kanumba ambaye kwa sasa hayupo kuelezea, na hadithi ya Lulu aliye mahabusu. Inasikitisha sana kwamba kifo kimetokea katika mazingira ya kutatanisha. Kifo hiki kimesikitisha watu wengi na kufanya udadisi wa kutaka kujua ukweli ulio objective iwe vigumu. Watu wamebakia kushusha lawama ZOTE kwa Lulu tu bila kutaka kujua haswa ilitokea nini hadi kifo hicho kikatokea.
Kama watanzania wengine napenda niseme kwamba , nahuzunika kama wengine kumpoteza Kanumba na pia kuona ndoto zake kama msanii zikizimwa ghafla. Aidha wapenzi wake wamekatishwa ile raha ya kuendelea kuburidika na filamu zake. Pamoja kuwa na huzuni kuu, pia najaribu kuangalia upande wa pili – Lulu! Huyu binti wa miaka 17/18 kijamii bado ni msichana mdogo japo kisheria hasamehewi kuwajibishwa kijinai. Lakini uwajibishwaji huo utakuja pale upelelezi utakapokamilika. Kufuatana na waliobahatika kumuona huyu binti, ana majeraha kuashiria kuwa alipigwa na kuumizwa na marehemu. Ingekuwa marehemu hakufa, basi nadhani kesi hii ingekuwa ya aina yake kama ingefika kunakohusika. Wote walijeruhiana. Lakini mazingira ya kujeruhi huko ni yepi?
Tumeambiwa na hata kusoma kwamba:
1. Lulu alienda kwa Kanumba usiku mkali mishale ya saa 6, kusudi watoke kwenda kucheza muziki kwa msanii Chaz baba – Mashujaa band ( Kanumba alishapiga simu kutaka andaliwe viti na sehemu maalum ya kukaa yeye na marafiki zake na pia akiomba hata wimbo maalum atakapofika)
2. Lulu alitoka nje kusikiliza simu – Kanumba akamfuata na kumrudisha ndani ili aeleze anaongea na nani.( Hapa tunaona kabisa Kanumba akianzisha shari yeye mwenyewe badala ya kuepuka shari)
3. Kanumba alimfungia Lulu ndani wakawa wanagombana. Aggressor hapa ni Kanumba na siyo Lulu.Kelele za ugomvi ziliashiria vurugu na kwa vile mlango ulifungwa na ufunguo, ilikuwa vigumu Lulu kukimbia tena au hata watu nje kuja kutoa msaada.
4. Lulu alitoka nje kwenda kumwita Seth na kumwambia Kanumba kaanguka.Lulu alikimbia akiwa na majeraha.Hii haionyeshi kuwa Lulu aliua vinginevyo angetoka kimya kimya akatokomea.
Sasa ndugu zanguni, kwanini Lulu anaonekana alifanya mauaji ya kukusudia? Ikiwa Kanumba alianguka katika purukushani na kuponda kichwa na kufa, Lulu kaua vipi? Kukamatwa na polisi na kushikiliwa ili kusaidia uchunguzi ni utaratibu wa kawaida sana. Nimewahi kushuhudia mtu kajiua, ndugu yake na mkewe waliomgundua kajining’iniza walikamatwa wakakaa ndani ili wasaidie uchunguzi Ilahali mtu kajiua mwenyewe. Ilisikitisha sana kwa maana wafiwa walitiwa misukosuko kwa kifo ambacho marehemu alijiletea kwa kujitundika. Walikaa masaa kadhaa kabla ya ndugu kwenda kuwatetea na kushinikiza waachiwe!
Kwenye hii kesi ya Lulu, bahati mbaya sana Lulu ana sifa mbaya kwenye jamii kiasi kwamba hakuna mtu anathubutu kumtetea na kumsaidia angalau aweze kujipanga kukabiliana na siku za kusubiri hatma baada ya upelelezi. Kibaya zaidi kuna statements za watu wazito ndani ya jamii, statements ambazo zenyewe tu zimeshapasisha kwamba Lulu ndio muuaji. Kibaya zaidi, unyeti wa hali inayozunguka msanii maarufu kipenzi cha wengi utaathiri hata mwenendo mzima wa upelelezi na kitakachojiri to the detriment of Lulu.
Nadhani kwa vile hii haijawa kesi ya kimahakama, na kwa vile jamii inazungumzia hiki kifo, hakuna ubaya tukawa na scenario zote.
Sijaandika haya kwa vile nataka kumsemea Lulu asiwajibike kama anahusika kijinai bali najaribu kupanua mjadala.
Baada ya kugoma kutoa maelezo kwa takribani siku nzima ya jana, mwanadada Lulu hatimaye amezungumza na polisi na kuelezea kilichotokea baina yake na marehemu Steven Kanumba. Kamanda wa Polisi Mkoa wa Kinondoni, Charles Kenyela, alisema Kanumba alikufa kutokana na ugomvi uliotokea kati yake na rafiki yake wa kike Lulu. "Kanumba amefariki usiku wa kuamkia leo (jana) majira ya saa tisa usiku, kwa kile kilichoelezwa kuwa ni ugomvi kati yake na rafiki yake wa kike anayejulikana kwa jina la Elizabeth Michael 'Lulu' mwenye umri wa miaka 18. Alisema kabla ya ugomvi huo kutokea kati yao wakiwa chumbani, simu ya Lulu iliita na akaamua kutoka nje kupokea kitendo kilichomuudhi Kanumba.
Kamanda Kenyela alisema Kanumba aliamua kumfuata Lulu nje huku akifoka kwa sauti akitaka aelezwe kwanini alitoka nje kupokea simu huku akimtuhumu kuwa huenda alikuwa akizungumza na mwanaume mwingine. Aliongeza baada ya Lulu kuona Kanumba akimfuata aliamua kukimbia kutoka nje ya geti , lakini kabla hajafanikiwa kufungua geti,
Kanumba alimkamata na kumrudishwa ndani. Kamanda Kenyela, alisema Kanumba akiwa amemshikilia waliingia wote chumbani na kufunga mlango. Hata hivyo, alisema haijulikani nani aliyefunga mlango, ingawa maelezo ya Lulu anadi kuwa aliyefunga mlango ni Kanumba. Kamanda huyo alisema Lulu anaeleza kuwa baada ya Kanumba kufunga mlango, alimuona akilegea na kujigonga kisogo chake kwenye ukuta wa chumba hicho kabla ya kuanguka chini.
Alibainisha kuwa uchunguzi wa awali unaonyesha kuwa Kanumba alikuwa amekunywa Whisky (pombe kali) aina ya Jacky Daniel, hata hivyo, bado wanachunguza zaidi kujua kama kweli Kanumba alilegea tu na kuanguka, ama alipigwa na kitu kizito kichwani au alisukumwa kwa nguvu na kumfanya aangukie kisogo. “Uchunguzi ukikamilika tutampeleka mahakamani kwa tuhuma za mauaji,” aliongeza Kamanda Kenyela. Chanzo: http://mwananchi.co.tz/ ( Habari hii iliripotiwa jana. Imerudiwa hapa kwa manufaa ya walio na kiu ya kujua kilichotokea.)
Jeneza la mwili wa Kanumba
Mwili wa Kanumba ukiwa unaagwa
Watu mbalimbali wakitaka kuhuhudia mazishi ya Kanumba.
Wananchi wengi walizimia kwenye mazishi ya Kanumba.
Kaburi la Kanumba.
Mambo mengi yamesemwa kuhusu Kanumba, Mengi yanaendelea kusemwa na mengi zaidi tunategemea kuyasikia kuhusu KIFO CHAKE, ZABABU ZA KIFO, NA HATIMA YA LULU MICHAEL. Safari ni ndefu sana tusubiri.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Trust In A Marriage
The degree of trust that we have for one another is essential to the way we live. There are several variations and degrees of trust that are manifested in our surrounding, starting from the day we are born and lasting throughout our lifetimes.
Some people never learn to trust anyone, not even themselves, while there are those who trust others with all their heart and soul without giving it a second thought.
Patterns of trust begin during early childhood. A child learns to trust his mother, father, siblings, and others who may have a long or short term presence in their lives. This determines, in large part, who you trust and how much you trust others later on in life.
Love and trust are two decidedly different emotional bonds. You can love someone very much and not trust them at all. On the other hand, you may trust someone with your life, and not love them in any way whatsoever. You may start out loving someone dearly and then, over a period of time, for whatever reason, stop trusting them. The same can happen with trust. You can trust someone very much, but quit loving them.
A person may spend there whole marriage deeply in love with their spouse, but with little or no trust. They spend their time worrying, thinking about where their spouse is, who their spouse is with, and what their spouse is doing. Not being able to trust a spouse is nothing less than emotional torture. It may scar a person psychologically for the rest of their life.
The reason why so many marriages end up in divorce is because of a lack of trust. Trust, along with love, is the bedrock of any marriage. Without trust, there is usually nothing outside of misery and foreboding for either one or both spouses.
If you don't trust your spouse, what are your options? There aren't very many!
- You can live with things the way they are or you can separate or divorce, both of which are not good options if you want to stay in your marriage.
- You can confront the lack of trust issue head on by talking to your spouse about your concerns and try to work out a solution between the two of you.
- You can seek advice from a professional marriage counseling service or from a church based marriage counselor.
These options are there if you are already married, but if you are engaged, or thinking about getting married, your next best option is to take a long, hard look at the person you are going to marry. If there is a hint of mistrust, ask yourself why you feel the way you do. Before taking wedding vows, make sure that you are certain that love will conquer all other marital debits if you do go ahead with the marriage.
What people take into a marriage is crucial to the outcome. Both love and trust is needed if the marriage is to be successful. Without saying, you can learn to love and trust someone after marrying them, but if the love and trust doesn't manifest itself from the very beginning, in most cases, the time will come when insurmountable obstacles are going to present themselves and you may have a problem saving your marriage.
If you don't trust the person that you are going to marry, or if there is the slightest doubt about trustworthiness or honesty, you may do yourself a big favor by taking a moment to resolve your anxieties. You should try to repair any problems before starting on your journey because marriage is a very serious undertaking and it may cost you more to get out of it than what it costs you to get in.
A divorce is like an amputation; you survive, but there’s less of you.
No matter how you slice it, divorce is expensive and time-consuming. The most important variable is how well you and your spouse are able to put aside your anger and grief and cooperate on the big issues of money and children. The better you are at working together to make decisions for your changing family structure, the better for your bank account and for your chances of emerging from the divorce with a decent relationship with your ex.
Asking the legal system to resolve divorce is like asking a boxing coach to be our marriage counselor.
When two people decide to get a divorce, it isn’t a sign that they “don’t understand” one another, but a sign that they have, at last, begun to.
Marriage problems are relationship problems, they are the result of how two people interact with each other. You may abandon a troubled marriage, but you will still bring the way you interact with others along with you.
Mass marriages in India have been used by communities to help parents with inadequate resources to manage the colossal expenses demanded by cultural norms incurred in hosting a wedding, especially since the bride’s parents are the ones who bear the costs of the ceremony. Added to this is the omnipresence of the social custom of dowry, paid by the bride’s parents pay for the alliance to the groom’s family.
Hence, social organizations have over the years engaged in this practice of community marriages where young couples solemnize their wedding at communal functions which not only reduce the cost of the wedding but often are also free.
The success of such events has meant that state governments and political groups have also joined the fray. As a consequence mass marriages in recent years have constantly courted controversy like instances of minor girls being married off at such functions.
The latest in a series of such controversies was generated at a mass wedding in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh where hundreds of would-be brides reportedly underwent virginity tests, tests they were informed of only when they reached the venue. Many were apparently bullied into the ‘medical examination’ as they were told that their refusal would mean that they would be denied their wedding gifts worth 6,500 rupees (approximately $132) and even the wedding ceremony. Under the state-run scheme marriages are solemnized free of cost, all arrangements are made by the district administration and every couple is also provided assistance in the form of household articles.
Each woman underwent an extensive physical examination before being given a special badge which allowed them to participate in the ceremony. Almost all of the prospective brides who were from poor, tribal families complained of the shame and humiliation they felt following the exercise.
watch video
In an impressive display of interlocked facial sphincter muscles, Mexico City set a new record on Valentine's Day as nearly 40,000 people puckered up in the city center for the world's largest group kiss.
Just view and have funny.
Just view and have funny.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Siku ya wapendanao ni sikukuu ambayo huadhimishwa kila ifikapo tarehe 14 Februari ya kila mwaka (Valentine Day).
Historia yake imeanzia karne ya 3 huko Roma ambapo alikuwapo mtakatifu valentine au Valentinus. Kaisari wakati huo alikuwa Claudius II yeye aliona kuwa askari mkakamavu na bora zaidi ni yule asiyeoa wala kuwa na familia (kapera). Hivyo alipiga marufuku ndoa kwa askari. Mtakatifu Valentinus alipinga jambo hili hivyo kuendelea kufungisha ndoa kwa siri. Mfalme Claudius alipopata habari hizi aliamuru kukamatwa kwa Valentinus na kuuwawa.
Kuna hadithi ya kuwa akiwa gerezani mtakatifu Valentinus aliandika barua ambayo ilikuwa na salamu za kwanza za valentine kwa binti aliyekuja kumsalimia gerezani, mwisho wa barua alihitimisha kwa maneno haya (From your Valentine). Toka hapa valentine anakumbukwa kama mtetezi wawapendanao na siku hii kuadhimishwa kote duniani.
To the one who owns this heart of mine
Comes this lovely wish dear valentine
That you'll feel special all day through
Because I think the world of you!
Comes this lovely wish dear valentine
That you'll feel special all day through
Because I think the world of you!
It's Valentines Day,
The day about love.
The angels are singing,
Loud up above.
Will you be my angel,
Want to be mine?
I love you so much,
You're my Valentine!
The day about love.
The angels are singing,
Loud up above.
Will you be my angel,
Want to be mine?
I love you so much,
You're my Valentine!
You're the syrup on my pancakes
You're the sugar in my tea
You're the icing on my cupcakes
You're the sweets in life for me
You're the chocolate on my ice cream
You're the sweet grapes in my wine
You're everything I love in life
Will you be my Valentine?
You're the sugar in my tea
You're the icing on my cupcakes
You're the sweets in life for me
You're the chocolate on my ice cream
You're the sweet grapes in my wine
You're everything I love in life
Will you be my Valentine?
Monday, January 30, 2012
Robin van Persie scored twice from the penalty spot as Arsenal staged a remarkable comeback to knock Aston Villa out of the FA Cup.
Villa led 2-0 at the break through a Richard Dunne header and a finish from an acute angle by Darren Bent. But three goals in seven minutes turned the tie upside down, Van Persie making it 2-1 after Dunne fouled Aaron Ramsey. Theo Walcott levelled before Van Persie sealed victory with a second spotkick after Bent's foul on Laurent Koscielny.
view video; http://www.goalsarena.org/video/england-english-cups/29-01-2012-arsenal-aston-villa-fa-cup_en.html.
Fraizer Campbell made a goalscoring return after 18 months out injured to earn Sunderland an FA Cup fourth-round replay with Middlesbrough.
After coming on at half-time, Campbell scored on the break to cancel out Barry Robson's superb first-half strike. Sunderland's Craig Gardner saw an effort controversially ruled out for offside late in the first half.
VIEW VIDEO: http://www.goalsarena.org/video/england-english-cups/29-01-2012-sunderland-middlesbrough-fa-cup_en.html
Libya exited the Africa Cup of Nations with a 2-1 consolation win over Senegal, who finished without a point. Ihab Albusaifi struck in each half for the Libyans, the second a wonderful volley and worthy match winner.Deme Ndiaye scored for Senegal but it was of little consolation as the Senegalese go home after three losses.
VIEW VIDEO: http://www.goalsarena.org/video/africa-cup-of-nations/29-01-2012-libya-senegal-can-group-a_en.html
Zambia booked their place in the quarter-finals of the Africa Cup of Nations by beating co-hosts Equatorial Guinea 1-0 to top Group A. Captain Chris Katongo fired home from the edge of the box after 67 minutes to settle a game of few chances. The win means they may avoid Ivory Coast in the quarter-finals, with the favourites set to win Group B.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
love is defined as (in dictionaries)
a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
sexual passion or desire.
a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.
(used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love?
love is defined as by different authors
- love is affection, kindness, happiness, and lifelong joy
- —Guest murali
- Love is the readiness to sacrifice everything, the ability to surmount all obstacles, and the acceptance of one another as they are.
- —Guest cristal
- Love is a feeling that can be defined by the mind but cannot be described by the heart.
- —Guest angellyka
what is love?
- Love is timeless: it's the memory of yesterday, the happiness of today and the promise of tomorrow.
- —Guest guru kadel
love quotes
- "I sit by the window feeling cold and blue, knowing that I can't be with you. All I see is the starless sky and hopeless dreams to get on by. But even though we're worlds apart, you'll stay forever in my heart."♥
- —Guest kagome higurashi
Not in a dictionary
- Love is a mobile phone. Without its charger, it cant live.
- —Guest Anonymous
Love Defined poetic
What is love, but an emotion,
So strong and so pure,
That nurtured and shared with another
All tests it will endure?
What is love, but a force
To bring the mighty low,
With the strength to shame the mountains
And halt time’s ceaseless flow?
What is love, but a triumph,
A glorious goal attained,
The union of two souls, two hearts
A bond the angels have ordained?
What is love, but a champion,
To cast the tyrant from his throne,
And raise the flag of truth and peace,
And fear of death o’erthrow?
What is love, but a beacon,
To guide the wayward heart,
A blazing light upon the shoals
That dash cherished dreams apart?
And what is love, but forever,
Eternal and sincere,
A flame that through wax and wane
Will outlive life’s brief years?
So I’ll tell it on the mountaintops,
In all places high and low,
That love for you is my reason to be,
And will never break or bow.
- Matt Dubois
What is love, but an emotion,
So strong and so pure,
That nurtured and shared with another
All tests it will endure?
What is love, but a force
To bring the mighty low,
With the strength to shame the mountains
And halt time’s ceaseless flow?
What is love, but a triumph,
A glorious goal attained,
The union of two souls, two hearts
A bond the angels have ordained?
What is love, but a champion,
To cast the tyrant from his throne,
And raise the flag of truth and peace,
And fear of death o’erthrow?
What is love, but a beacon,
To guide the wayward heart,
A blazing light upon the shoals
That dash cherished dreams apart?
And what is love, but forever,
Eternal and sincere,
A flame that through wax and wane
Will outlive life’s brief years?
So I’ll tell it on the mountaintops,
In all places high and low,
That love for you is my reason to be,
And will never break or bow.
- Matt Dubois
Link between eating processed meat and pancreatic cancer in Swedish research
A link between eating processed meat, such as bacon or sausages, and pancreatic cancer has been suggested by researchers in Sweden. They said eating an extra 50g of processed meat, approximately one sausage, every day would increase a person's risk by 19%.
But the chance of developing the rare cancer remains low. The World Cancer Research Fund suggested the link may be down to obesity.
Eating red and processed meat has already been linked to bowel cancer. As a result the UK government recommended in 2011 that people eat no more than 70g a day.
Prof Susanna Larsson, who conducted the study at the Karolinska Institute, told the BBC that links to other cancers were “quite controversial”.
She added: “It is known that eating meat increases the risk of colorectal cancer, it's not so much known about other cancers.”
The study, published in the British Journal of Cancer, analysed data from 11 trials and 6,643 patients with pancreatic cancer. It found that eating processed meat increased the risk of pancreatic cancer. The risk increased by 19% for every 50g someone added to their daily diet. Having an extra 100g would increase the risk by 38%.
Prof Larsson said: “Pancreatic cancer has poor survival rates. So as well as diagnosing it early, it's important to understand what can increase the risk of this disease.”
She recommended that people eat less red meat.
Cancer Research UK said the risk of developing pancreatic cancer in a lifetime was “comparatively small” - one in 77 for men and one in 79 for women.
Sara Hiom, the charity's information director, said: “The jury is still out as to whether meat is a definite risk factor for pancreatic cancer and more large studies are needed to confirm this, but this new analysis suggests processed meat may be playing a role.”
However, she pointed out that smoking was a much greater risk factor.
The World Cancer Research Fund has advised people to completely avoid processed meat.
Dr Rachel Thompson, the fund's deputy head of science, said: “We will be re-examining the factors behind pancreatic cancer later this year as part of our Continuous Update Project, which should tell us more about the relationship between cancer of the pancreas and processed meat.
”There is strong evidence that being overweight or obese increases the risk of pancreatic cancer and this study may be an early indication of another factor behind the disease.
“Regardless of this latest research, we have already established a strong link between eating red and processed meat and your chances of developing bowel cancer, which is why WCRF recommends limiting intake of red meat to 500g cooked weight a week and avoid processed meat altogether.” (BBC).-
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