Why girls believe men? (Kwanini wanawake huwaamini wanaume?) Part IV
This is part IV. At maturity from the time a girl starts to show interest in men, she begins to think about that special someone who will hold her tightly and recognize the kind of love she has dreamed about. Soma zaidi.

In our previous article, we covered the philosophy of broken homes that was our third part of this new series. Today we are going to learn about reasons originating from Girls without a FATHER.
Some girls overdo it-in the way they walk, the way they dress, the way they talk. Most likely such a person is starved for the attention she never got at home. Her daddy was too busy or maybe she never knew a real father because of divorce or abandonment. So now she becomes a flirt (she behaves towards somebody as if she finds them sexually attractive).

Studies of adolescent girls without fathers in the home have shown that teen girls behave differently around boys if they have not learned social skills from their fathers. In other worlds, girls learn to get along with boys by getting along with their fathers.
Girls whose parent had divorced were found to be little too confident in their interaction with boys. They were more seductive and sometimes promiscuous or somewhat loose. ……ladies developed tension towards boys.
Point to note:
No one should blame a girl for such behaviour when circumstances beyond her control have triggered it. But a young lady can learn where she is vulnerable and why she acts, talks, and behaves the way she does.
Leo tena nakukumbusha.
……. hakuna mzazi awaye yeyote ile anaweza kumlinda mtoto wake wa kike asiweze kumkubalia Mbaba. Jukumu la kukubali au kukataa lipo mikoni mwake yeye mwenyewe.
Take care and see you next time. (Itaendelea)
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