Petting and touchy situations part II

Some effects of petting
Yesterday we saw some key aspects of petting. Petting is surprisingly petting is a very wide subject because it takes a large part of our love. Before marriage and after marriage petting will keep going. This special article is very important to young people thus it should be thoroughly studied. Soma uelimike.
Today we will concentrate on effects of petting to both boys and a girls.
1. The game of petting is risky because it caters for the temptation to take advantage of another person. People of all ages face this temptation to exploit others.
2. In petting game, the unloved fill loved, the ugly are made to fill beautiful, the lonely feels as if some one cares. All under the pretence of a love that may not even exist.
3. The game is risky because it leads many couples to intercourse. They normally reach a point when the discover that they can handle the situation they just can’t stop doing it.
4. Petting can also produce some permanent after effects in marriage. Psychologists and physicians have found that many of the women who cannot respond freely to sexual stimulation in marriage have the roots of their problems in petting experience! Hatari lakini salama.
5. Petting also has some effects to male. Bad or early sex experiences can result in the so called premature ejaculation practices because he is used to satisfying himself through quick sex.
6. It can also cause impotence, which is inability to maintain an election. Normally impotence is 90% a psychological reaction to a real or imaginary experience and it can require extended periods of treatment.
In its real sense petting is not dirty. It will not give you a disease or make hair grow on your palms or curl your toes. Petting inside the bonds of marriages is beautiful experience. It is the natural expression of love called foreplay which finally leads to sexual intercourse.
In general petting is the exploration of another’s body by a couple who does not intend for intercourse to occur. And that is the trouble with petting. It does not stand alone. It is designed to move on to something else. By itself outside marriage it is more frustrating than satisfying. It is a mistake to think of petting as only an adventure in the cool and calculated exploration another person’s body. Petting is progressive, you will always want to go to another stage………………………….. chunga sana .
Take care and see you next time. (itaendelea)
great post, thanks a lot