Is duching (womens cleaning with chemicals) safe ?
What is duching?
- A vaginal douche is a process of rinsing or cleaning the vagina by forcing water or another solution into the vaginal cavity to flush away vaginal discharge or other contents. Vaginal douches are available over-the-counter and are made in a variety of fragrances by several manufacturers; they are also available by prescription to treat certain conditions or prepare for certain procedures. To rinse away any remaining menstrual blood at the end of the monthly period.
- •Some women douche following sexual intercourse to avoid pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. Douching is neither a contraceptive, or preventatives measure against STDs or other infections
- •To reduce vaginal odors. Women who have an unusual vaginal odor need to see their clinician for proper diagnosis, using a douche may only intensify the problem.
- •Women sometimes don't feel they are clean unless they use vaginal douches regularly.
- Is Douching Healthy?
Simply stated, the answer is "No."
According to a study published by the American Journal of Public Health, douching may reduce a woman's chance of becoming pregnant during a particular month by approximately thirty percent.Regular vaginal douching changes the delicate chemical balance of the vagina and can make a woman more susceptible to infections. Douching can introduce new bacteria into the vagina which can spread up through the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes. Researchers have found that women who douche regularly experience more vaginal irritations and infections such as bacterial vaginosis, and an increased number of sexually transmitted diseases. Furthermore, regular users of vaginal douches face a 73% greater risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
.For these reasons, douching is no longer recommended as a safe or healthy way to routinely clean the vagina. The only safe and healthy way to clean the vagina is to let the vagina clean itself. The delicate chemical balance of the vagina is very sensitive and easily disrupted by routine vaginal douching. The vagina cleans itself naturally with its own mucous secretions. When bathing or showering use warm water and gentle unscented soap to cleanse the outer areas of the vagina. Feminine hygiene products such as soaps, powders, and sprays are not necessary and may lead to irritation of sensitive tissues. Never douche before you visit your doctor! Remember, douching can wash away the vaginal discharge that can identify the type of infection that you have.
So if you are going to douche at all do it with purified water and no more than every other month I wouldnt douche at all if I were a female I would just use other Female products and keep myself very clean in the shower and

Answerer 2
Answerer 2
No... it still gets rid of the good bacteria and it still isn't good or healthy. There are some bacteria down there you NEED to prevent infections and what not. Just use what and you will be clean unless iko gonjwa ndani yake!
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